Pollution Control Measures In Stone Crusher

Pollution Control Measures In Stone Crusher


Besides stone crushers, heavy trafiic movement on poor roads with loaded tr ucks & dumpers from quarries & crushers are main apparent source of air pollution in the area.

CPCB's new guidelines for India's stone crusher sector a …

The CPCB document outlines ways to measure source emissions, store materials and other general principles to combat air pollution from stone crushing units. The guidelines are in alignment with the recommendations made by New Delhi-based non-profit Centre for Science and Environment (CSE).

Assessment of Air Quality of Stone Crusher Units in India

Emissions of suspended particulate matter (SPM), PM10, and PM2.5 dust emissions generate from a number of unit operations in stone crushers. The fugitive dust adversely affects visibility,...

Assessment of Stone Crusher Pollution and Its Control …

Stone crusher industries are the major source of industrial pollution. Industrial pollution causes the various human diseases and shows harmful effect on vegetation.

CPCB's New Guidelines for India's Stone Crusher Sector

In May 2023, a study by researchers from Pune University revealed that a model stone crusher unit in Pune had successfully implemented pollution control measures and reduced its dust emissions by 90%.

India releases new stone crushers guidelines to curb air pollution

The Centre Pollution Control Board (CPCB) published new guidelines for stone crushers, who are responsible for significant dust emissions leading to air pollution. The document outlines ways to measure emissions, control pollution as well as financial aspects of implementation.

Environmental Guidelines for Stone Crushing Units

The suspended particulate matter measured between 3 to 10 meter from any process equipment of a stone crushing unit shall not exceed 600 microgram per m3. Conditions :- Stone crushing unit shall have to comply with the Noise pollution (Regulation and control) Rules, 2000 and their amendment. .

Environmental Guidelines for Stone Crushing Units

The major environmental issue due to operation of a stone crushing unit is fugitive dust emissions which is contributed by the following processes: Primary crushing: Primary crushers breaks large boulders into smaller sizes.


Since the noise pollution and the dust emission were identified as the major impact categories, the equivalent continuous sound pressure level and concentration of Suspended Particulate Matter...


Sources of particulate emissions: Emissions during unloading of mined stones at crusher site During unloading of mined stones, large amount of fine dust is emitted which appears like a dust cloud and is carried by wind currents to a long distance.