Laser Marking Selection

Laser Marking Selection

Industrial Laser Marking Machines

Industrial Laser Marking Machines Whether you need a manually loaded workstation or fully automated machine, we offer a wide range of solutions built for industrial applications and optimized to mark metals. Turnkey laser marking solutions We offer everything you need to get running, including class-1 laser safety enclosure, active dust and fume …

[Guide] Laser Marking for Glass – All You Need to Know

The application of laser marking machine in the glass industry is becoming increasingly widespread, adding various values such as personalization and brand identification to glass products. We will delve into the discussion of how to correctly select the laser etching machine for glass bottles and key factors to consider during the …

Laser Marking Machines, Laser Coding Equipment

Laser marking machines for your product identification needs. Engineered to mark crisp & clean codes on various industrial products at ultra-fast speeds to achieve high quality permanent codes. Let Videojet help you select the right laser marking system.

The correct lens for perfect laser results

How to select the right lens for your application. Selecting the right lens can be the key to perfect laser results. Use the following guide to determine which lens you should use for your application.

Marking systems | TRUMPF

The marking systems from TRUMPF are comfortable and ergonomic to use. All laser marking systems meet laser class 1.

Laser Marking | KEYENCE India

Select by Industry. Laser marking is a marking method that uses a focused laser beam to alter the surface of a target. This section introduces how laser marking is …

What is Laser Marking | How Marker Machines Work | MECCO

Laser marking works by using a focused beam of light to mark the surface of a material. When the beam interacts with the material's surface, it alters the material's properties and appearance. ... Laser Marker Selection Resources; When to Use; Application Examples; Selecting the Right Laser Marker As you research solutions for your marking ...

Laser Markers | RMI Laser

In addition laser marking equipment takes up a small footprint and is available in integration-friendly configurations. Because there is no "one size fits all" solution for all, we offer a wide selection of laser marking machines to ensure the best mark for …

How Laser Parameter Selection Shapes Marking Precision

This article will explore the impact of the selection of laser parameters in laser marking on the marking effect, including factors such as laser power, marking speed, laser …

How Laser Parameter Selection Shapes Marking Precision

This article will explore the impact of the selection of laser parameters in laser marking on the marking effect, including factors such as laser power, marking speed, laser wavelength, pulse power, etc.

Marking lasers | TRUMPF

TRUMPF marking lasers are available in many different power classes and with all standard wavelengths, which means that you can find the right laser for any marking task. Country/region and language selection

Laser Marking in the Electric Vehicle Industry | KEYENCE …

This section introduces marking and applications useful in the electric vehicle (EV) industry. In recent years, laser marking has become widely used to mark electric vehicle parts and components, such as the vehicle's make and model, as well as its serial number.

Laser Marking Guidebook

Browse by wavelength, material and application. Find out what makes lasers different. and how to find the right system for you. What do you need ? High-constrast marks on …

How to Select the Right Fiber Laser Marking System?

General marking, deep marking or color marking will decide the fiber laser types you need to work with. Round Materials Marking: A fiber laser marking system can be configured with a rotary attachment which is used for laser engraving round objects, such as bottles, pens, golf clubs and so on.

Laser marking plastics | Ensinger

For laser on plastic parts we offer various laser plastics for many applications across all industries. Laser marking is an extremely robust and forgery-proof method to label your products.

Laser Marking | KEYENCE America

Laser marking is a marking method that uses a focused laser beam to alter the surface of a target. The laser beam is emitted by an oscillator and scanned using a mirror (known as …

Laser Marking Systems / Laser Markers

Learn how laser marking is used in the automotive industry, how direct laser part marking improves automotive safety, and common auto part marking applications.

Fiber Laser: Everything You Should Know | KEYENCE America

The main benefit of fiber lasers over other types of marking systems is the high-output power that they feature. Compared to other systems, a high-output fiber laser can lead to remarkable improvements in marking time, efficiency, engraving depth, and mark quality.

Laser Marking: What Is It and How It Works Basic Knowledge

Laser marking is a very versatile process, encompassing different techniques such as engraving, etching, ing, carbon migration, etc. The right marking method will depend on your material and quality requirements. Read on as we discuss the details of this innovative technique. What is Laser Marking and How Does it Work?

LASER MARKING: How to choose the best laser for your marking …

Given the numerous types of lasers and materials involved, picking the best laser for a marking application can be a challenge. An understanding of the laser characteristics and the material properties is essential to making an optimal choice.

Ultimate Guide to Laser Marking: Processes, Types, and …

Laser marking is a broad term that encompasses various techniques used to create permanent markings on the surface of a material using a laser beam. This …

What is Laser Marking & How Marking Machines Work

Laser marking is the process of permanently marking a surface using a focused beam of light. It can be performed using different types of lasers, including fiber lasers, CO2 …

Laser Marking Source | Laser Types & Selection Considerations

There are a variety of laser sources, and we will highlight three types, as well as two subtypes, of the best laser-marking technology and outline the best choice …

UV Laser Marking | UV Laser Marking & Engraving …

Explore our UV laser marking solutions for clear colour marking and minimal product damage. KEYENCE offers insights on UV laser markers and machines.

Learn Laser Marking: Absolute Beginner Guide!

Laser marking machines are available in different sizes, so it's important to select one that offers an adequate marking area for your specific needs. Make sure to take into account the dimensions of your products or components to ensure they fit within the machine's designated workspace.

Laser marking | TRUMPF

Laser marking is a collective term for several marking procedures: ablation, engraving, annealing, black marking, colour change and ing. Country/region and language selection Products

Thermoplastic Materials for UV Inkjet and Laser Marking

This article examines the selection of thermoplastics, which is critical to achieve robust inkjet and laser marking results. Inkjet and laser marking processes require precise engineering of ink/laser chemistries, thermoplastics, polymeric surface science, process/equipment design and skilled manufacturing techniques.

Cold Marking with UV Lasers: Everything You Need to Know

Transition to Cold Marking: AllMax piloted UV laser marking on select production lines before full-scale implementation. Results and Benefits: The transition led to parts with consistent quality, improving vehicle performance.

Types of Laser Marking | KEYENCE America

Quick Delivery and Comprehensive Support. KEYENCE supports customers from the selection process to line operations with on-site operating instructions and after-sales support.

Laser Etching: A Complete Guide | KEYENCE America

Laser etching uses a laser beam that is generated inside of a laser marking machine. To laser etch, first you need to upload or design the mark that you want etched and then set the parameters for the given material you are etching. The laser marking machine analyzes this information and completes the etching process.