Informal Gold Related

Informal Gold Related

Chinese Participation in Ghana's Informal Gold Mining

Request PDF | Chinese Participation in Ghana's Informal Gold Mining Economy: Drivers, Implications and Clarifications | This paper brings some clarity to the debate on Chinese participation in ...

[PDF] Mercury Exposures in Informal Gold Miners and …

Subjects working in or living near informal gold mining and processing in southern Peru were studied to determine mercury exposures from two tasks: amalgamation and amalgam smelting. Abstract Subjects working in or living near informal gold mining and processing in southern Peru were studied to determine mercury exposures from two …

Appropriate technologies and the geosocial evolution of informal…

Semantic Scholar extracted view of "Appropriate technologies and the geosocial evolution of informal, small-scale gold mining in Madre de Dios, Peru" by Jimena Díaz Leiva

For the Environment: An Assessment of Recent Military Interv

Downloadable (with restrictions)! This article reflects critically on the impacts of the recent ban on artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) – low-tech, labour-intensive mineral extraction and processing – in Ghana. Government officials claimed that a ban was necessary because the country's ASM activities, most of which are found in the …

[PDF] South-South labour migration and the impact of the informal …

This paper examines irregular South-South migration from China to Ghana, and the role it has played in transforming livelihoods and broader developmental landscapes. It looks at the entry from the mid-2000s of approximately 50,000 Chinese migrants into the small-scale gold mining sector. They were mainly from Shanglin …

Informal gold mining in nilgiri-wayanad region of india

In the second step, contemporary practices and issues related to informal gold mining are discussed, especially relating to the livelihoods of artisanal gold miners in the Nilgiri-Wayanad region, through primary data analysis.

South‐South Irregular Migration: The Impacts of China's …

This article examines irregular South‐South migration from China to Ghana, and the role it played in transforming livelihoods and broader developmental landscapes. It looks at the …

Reassembling informal gold-mining for development and …

A number of African countries have made substantial progress towards the formalisation of artisanal and smallscale gold-mining (ASGM) through establishing legal rights for …

Better approaches needed to tackle informal gold …

Two widely espoused policies to mitigate the negative effects of informal gold mining are: (1) increasing enforcement to make it unprofitable, and (2) offering alternative livelihoods that can...

Five killed after informal gold mine collapses in northern …

At least five people were killed and several others were missing after an informal gold mine collapsed in northern Kenya, officials and local media said.

(PDF) Re-assembling Informal Gold Mining for …

16 Reassembling informal gold-mining for development and sustainability? Opportunities and limits to formalisation in India, Indonesia and Laos Keith Barney In the past two decades, research activity and policy development have intensified on the issue of formalising artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM), or informal mining.

Chinese participation in Ghana's illegal small-scale gold …

Semantic Scholar extracted view of "Chinese participation in Ghana's illegal small-scale gold mining: Linking local pull factors to distributional inequities" by R. Kumah

South‐South Irregular Migration: The Impacts of China's Informal Gold …

This article examines irregular South-South migration from China to Ghana, and the role it played in transforming livelihoods and broader developmental landscapes. It looks at the entry of approximately 50,000 Chinese migrants into the informal small-scale gold mining sector from 2008-2013.

Going for gold: can small-scale mines be mercury free?

Small-scale and informal gold mining is a controversial but important global industry. It's a crucial source of income for many rural communities, but also devastating …

How LatAm Failed to Halt Rise of Illegal Gold Mining

A new report on organized crime and gold mining in Latin America offers insight into how states, the international community, and the private sector have failed to control a criminal boom that has caught the region woefully underprepared.

Negative Effects of Informal Gold Mining in Colombia …

The findings of a recent report highlight the disastrous environmental impacts of unregulated gold mining in Colombia and its geographical correlation with coca …

Informal and illegal gold mining to endure in Bolivia

Informal mining employs large numbers, providing important electoral support for the ruling Movement towards Socialism (MAS). Informal miners elsewhere in Latin America are also seeking greater scope in which to work legally. Impacts. Gold prices look set to remain high over the short term.

Informal gold miners with mercury toxicity: Novel …

Mercury is used in the gold mining process, and in artisanal or illicit gold mining, often without necessary protection. Here we describe the cases of two artisanal gold miners from western Johannesburg, South Africa, who presented with atypical neurological manifestations of mercury toxicity.

Taxing the Informal Sector—Nigeria's Missing Goldmine

The need to enumerate and tax the informal sector has become more imperative as the informal sector makes up 50% of Nigerian GDP and should be made to contribute its fair share to the country's tax revenues. Judith Monye is a Senior Adviser and Oyintare Abang is a Staff Analyst, Tax, Regulatory and People Services, with KPMG in …

Uganda: Gold as a (Trans)National Treasure

Despite the potential of its known gold deposits, Uganda has no history of large-scale gold mining. Instead, the story of gold focuses largely on informal artisanal …

[PDF] Reassembling informal gold‑mining for development …

Semantic Scholar extracted view of "Reassembling informal gold‑mining for development and sustainability? Opportunities and limits to formalisation in India, Indonesia and Laos" by K. Barney

Informal Gold Miners, State Fragmentation, and Resource …

High commodity prices have led to the proliferation of informal gold mining in the Andes. Despite their limited financial capacity, informal gold miners have proved capable of influencing national-level policy outcomes. Why are they able to do so?

Reassembling informal gold-mining for development and …

Numerous experts and influential institutions, including the World Bank, now view formalisation and legal registration as primary policy responses to the socio-economic, environmental and human health-related challenges posed by illegal or informal mining (see, for instance, Siegel and Veiga 2009; Maconachie and Hilson 2011; World Bank …

More Than 70 Dead After Gold Mine Collapses in Mali, Says …

An official in Mali says more than 70 people died after an informal gold mine collapsed late last week. The collapse occurred in the southwestern Koulikoro region.

Informal Gold Miners, State Fragmentation, and Resource …

This study argues that informal groups, such as gold miners, have developed different strategies to gain influence over policymaking, contingent on the …

Informality in action: A relational look at informal work

We conceptualize informal work in relational terms, examining informality through the relations and interactions between and among a set of actors: capitalists, the state, organizations of informal workers, traditional trade …

[PDF] Chinese Participation in Ghana's Informal Gold Mining …

Semantic Scholar extracted view of "Chinese Participation in Ghana's Informal Gold Mining Economy: Drivers, Implications and Clarifications" by G. Hilson et al.

South-South labour migration and the impact of the informal …

Table 1: Total Gold Production in Ghana - "South-South labour migration and the impact of the informal China-Ghana gold rush 2008-13"

Mercury Exposures in Informal Gold Miners and …

Subjects working in or living near informal gold mining and processing in southern Peru were studied to determine mercury exposures from two tasks: amal-

How LatAm Failed to Halt Rise of Illegal Gold Mining

The report by the Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime traces how organized crime has co-opted informal gold mining in Latin America, …