Penergizer Grander

Penergizer Grander

Grander Water Revitalization – Harvest Haven

Grander Penergizer. Grander ECO-Kat. Grander Living Water Pendants. Grander Sanomag – Magnetic Harmonizer. Stay up to date and subscribe to our mailing list. Click here to sign up. Email Address. Search; About; ... Grander Product Line

GRANDER® Energy Boards

GRANDER® Revitalisation Devices are designed to treat flowing water. But what if we want to revitalise packaged beverages, fruits, vegetables and other food?

GRANDER Penergizer

The GRANDER Penergizer used to revitalised all types of drinks. Fill your glass, your tea cup or your pitcher with the beverage of your choice and use the GRA...

GRANDER® Revitalising Mini Penergizer Key Ring

Mini revitalising rod (Grander Key-chain) for energising drinks and making the taste smoother and more satisfying. Home > Portable Units Zoom View Video View Video: Share. Tweet: ... Remove the Mini Penergizer and allow the water to stand for as long as possible; some people revitalize their bottles the day before use. ...

Grander Portable Water Filters

GRANDER Personal. There are a variety of Grander Personal products for everyday use. All these products, Grander Penergizer, Grander Revitalising Board, Grander Pendant, Grander Blue Water, a re easy to use, portable and a great introduction to Grander Water Technology. Add a water filter to remove carbon or to remove fluoride.

revitalized energy rod | Grander | revitalized information …

The Grander revitalizing energy rod is used to revitalized beverages. Fill your glass, your cup or your pitcher with a beverage after which use the Grander revitalizing electricity rod to stir it. The rod works effectively to revitalize all varieties of beverages.

Grander Penergizer

Penergizers are portable Grander water revitalization technology in a pen-like design that you can carry with you anywhere. The Penergizer is the perfect size for your purse …


GRANDER ® Water Revitalisation is based on the principle of information transmission and thereby naturally enhances water's biological quality and stability. Water possesses a changeable inner structure The basic idea of GRANDER ® is to positively change the inner structure of water, thereby giving it back its assimilative capacity and ...

GRANDER Penergizer

The GRANDER Penergizer, filled with the GRANDER highly coherent functional water developed by Johann Grander, has a revitalizing effect on all beverages. Suitable for …

small products | Grander | revitalized water

Here is an overview of the GRANDER small products. They complement your everyday life, and once purchased you never want to do without it again.

Questions and Answers about Grander – Harvest Haven

You can treat your drinking water by the glass with the portable Grander Penergizer or by the gallon with the small Grander Board. All the water in your house– bathing, washing, …


GRANDER® Water Technology has been providing water solutions worldwide for more than three decades. Uncountable experience reports from private users, hotel owners, restaurant owners, swimming pool operators, municipalities as well as public institutions demonstrate much better in practice how the revitalised water from GRANDER® really …


The Penergizer one of the smallest revitalization devices; Its convenient design allows you to carry it with you at all times. The Penergizer is filled with Grander highly coherent functional water and has a revitalized effect on all drinks.

Grander Penergizer

Check out this video on Grander Penergizer - Interview with Wayne from Grander. To learn more please call our friendly Customer Service Team 1800 769 300.

revitalizing plate | Grander water | small products

The Grander revitalisation plates are available in 2 different sizes and are used in the revitalisation of food and plants. Full details about this product ca...

GRANDER® Flexible Travel Unit

Port sizes: 1/2″ and 3/4″ Optional: change-over connectors for 3/8″ GRANDER® water revitalisation devices work with natural energy, without electricity, consumables, service and maintenance.

products | Grander water revitalisation | areas of application

You can notice an summary of products at Grander Sales and their areas of application below this link.

Energising water with a Nano wand branded as a Penergizer.

The Grander Penergizer has been pigeon-holed for a specific market but underneath all the marketing blurb it is a Nano Wand. So if you have a Nano Wand use it to energize your water, or any food or liquid for that matter.

Questions and Answers about Grander – Harvest Haven

You can treat your drinking water by the glass with the portable Grander Penergizer or by the gallon with the small Grander Board. All the water in your house– bathing, washing, watering, and drinking – can be treated automatically with a Grander Living Water Unit .

GRANDER Water Technology

GRANDER® Water Revitalisation Devices assist in areas of recycled water for multiple industries, from horticulture to agriculture using various sources including wastewater. …

PENERGIZER – Enzyme International

The GRANDER® Penergizer, filled with the GRANDER® highly coherent functional water developed by Johann Grander, has a revitalizing effect on all beverages. Suitable for drinking glasses, cups and medium-sized pitchers.

GRANDER® Key Chain (mini Penergizer)

Remove the Mini Penergizer and immediately wipe dry with a soft cloth. 0.5 liter (maximum) Immerse the Mini Penergizer inside of the vessel (bottle, jug, etc), for up to 15-30 minutes. Remove the Mini Penergizer and allow the water to stand for as long as possible; some people revitalize their bottles the day before use.

GRANDER® Water Revitalisation Devices

GRANDER® water revitalisation devices are available for installation in the main water supply of houses, medium-sized and large buildings as well as industrial plants.

GRANDER Water Technology

GRANDER Water Technology has been providing water solutions worldwide for more than three decades. Uncountable experience reports from private users, hotel owners, restaurant owners, swimming pool operators, municipalities as well as public institutions demonstrate much better in practice how the revitalised water from GRANDER® really works.

What is GRANDER | Introduction | GRANDER Water …

GRANDER water revitalization devices consist of a revitalized water core in a weakly magnetized metal housing.


GRANDER PENERGIZER FEATURES. Treats up to 1 Litre. Portable - ideal for travel. For use in tea, cofee, fruit juice & wine. User Friendly. No maintenance needed. 3 Month …

water revitalizing devices | flexible | revitalized Grander water

GRANDER water revitalisation devices are also available in pocketsize! These mobile and flexible water revitalizers are perfect for on-the-go since they don't require electricity and maintenance.

Grander Penergizer

The GRANDER® Penergizer, filled with the GRANDER® Information Water developed by Johann Grander, has a revitalising effect on all beverages. Suitable for drinking glasses, cups and medium-sized pitchers.

Grander Water Australia

GRANDER ® is the original in Water Revitalisation. The GRANDER ® Water Revitalisation is based on the principle of information transfer, and by natural means, transforms water to a very high, structured, stable and biologically valuable quality.

revitalized energy rod | Grander | revitalized information water

The Grander revitalizing energy rod is used to revitalized beverages. Fill your glass, your cup or your pitcher with a beverage and then use the Grander revitalizing energy rod to stir it. The rod works effectively to revitalize all types of beverages.