Sulfide Type Copper Ore Acid Leaching

Sulfide Type Copper Ore Acid Leaching

Leaching of copper (I) sulphide by sulphuric acid solution …

The leaching of dolomitic-copper ore using sulphuric acid under controlled conditions was studied with a view to evaluating the economic value and the effect of ore pulverisation, particle size ...

Study of Factors Affecting the Copper Ore …

Leaching methods for copper mineral raw materials with complex compositions at high pressures, temperatures, and concentrations of sulfuric acid have recently been studied [ 7, 8 ], and these have …

Copper Heap Leaching | Encyclopedia MDPI

In heap leaching, the crushed ore is stacked on an impermeable pad, and leaching reagents (a strong acid, commonly sulfuric acid for copper or nickel ores or a dilute cyanide solution for gold and silver-bearing ores) are added by irrigation from the top.

Copper leaching from primary sulfides: Options for …

The primary sulfide minerals of copper have been difficult to leach for the purpose of direct copper extraction. In particular, chalcopyrite has been observed to undergo a type of "passivation" under a variety of oxidative leaching conditions.

Sulfide Ore

Copper sulfide ores must be concentrated before they can be economically transported and smelted. The universal technique for this concentration is froth flotation of finely ground ore. ... Type of leaching: Open agitation leach in pachuca air-stirred leach tanks: Feed: ... is leached in aqueous sulfuric acid solution to give a leach sulfate ...

Oxide Sulfide Copper Ores Leaching

Modeling the Leaching of Mixed Oxide Sulfide Copper Ores. Within some restrictions the software package LEACH can be used to simulate the leaching of ores containing a mixture of oxide and sulfide copper minerals in an acid/ferric sulfate solution.

Leaching of sulfide copper ore in a NaCl–H2SO4–O2 media with acid …

The leaching of sulfide copper ores of the djurleite and digenite type was effective through agglomerative pre-treatment with H 2 SO 4(conc) and NaCl, followed by leaching in an NaCl–H 2 SO 4 –O 2 media at room temperature.

Acid leaching and dissolution of major sulphide ore minerals: …

The kinetics and mechanisms of dissolution of the major base metal sulphide minerals, pyrite, chalcopyrite, galena and sphalerite in acidic (chloride) media have been …


Sulphide ores of copper are insoluble in dilute sulphuric acid leaching solutions, but a very high extraction can be obtained if the copper ore is in the oxidized condition.

The Extraction of Copper

The method used to extract copper from its ores depends on the nature of the ore. Sulfide ores such as chalcopyrite ((CuFeS_2)) are converted to copper by a different method from silicate, carbonate or sulfate ores. Chalcopyrite (also known as copper pyrites) and similar sulfide ores are the commonest ores of copper. The ores …

Copper Mineral Leaching Mathematical Models—A Review

The kinetic model was used to indicate the effects of these parameters on copper leaching from malachite ore in formic acid solution, considering particle size, acid concentration, leaching time, formic acid/malachite ratio, reaction temperature and stirring rate as variables.

Copper Sulfide Ore

With the depletion of high-grade ores, attention has now been turned towards copper extraction from lean grade, waste grade, and run-of-mine ores, and even from tailings and slags. Heap leaching was initially applied to acid leaching of copper oxide ores and later extended to secondary sulfides and mixed oxide-sulfide copper ores.

Leaching analysis of copper and cobalt from sulfide ores in …

Request PDF | Leaching analysis of copper and cobalt from sulfide ores in sulfuric acid-sodium chloride media. | This study investigated the effects of sulfuric acid concentration, sodium chloride ...

Copper Sulfide

The leaching of copper sulfide and copper oxide ores entails partial dissolution to cupric sulfate with sulfuric acid and iron sulfate. The presence of pyrites in many ore …

Sulfuric acid leaching for capturing value from copper rich …

In this research, a hydrometallurgical method for recovery of copper from copper rich converter slag is investigated. The main copper containing phases of the slag are cuprite (Cu 2 O), delafossite (CuFeO 2) and metallic copper (Cu).The study investigates the effect of particle size, temperature, acid concentration, agitation and …

Copper Sulfide

The leaching of copper sulfide and copper oxide ores entails partial dissolution to cupric sulfate with sulfuric acid and iron sulfate. The presence of pyrites in many ore deposits, and its reaction with water and oxygen to form iron sulfate and sulfuric acid, creates an important source of acid.

Leaching of a pyrite-based ore containing copper using sulfuric acid

Substantial previous work targets copper-gold ores, but the present study focuses on a copper-silver ore, which will be leached following acidic pretreatment (sulfuric acid at pH 1) to assess the ...

(PDF) Leaching of Copper Sulphides

Against that context this paper outlines hydrometallurgical copper sulphide leaching options as alternatives to the more conventional pyrometallurgical processing route of copper sulphides.

The Recovery of Copper in Sulphide Ores by Roasting, …

Sulphide ores of copper are insoluble in dilute sulphuric acid leaching solutions, but a very high extraction can be obtained if the copper ore is in the oxidized condition. The …

A review of chloride assisted copper sulfide leaching by …

The beneficial effect of chloride on sulfide leaching in sulfuric acid has been widely reported over the last 3–4 decades but the reasons have not been resolved. ... to briefly review the complexity of leaching of copper sulfide ores/concentrates and mechanistic ... Different types of interim compounds in the solid state have been …

Comprehensive Review on Metallurgical Upgradation …

Atmospheric acid leaching will still be the preferred process for hydrometallurgical treatment of low-grade nickel sulfide ore. Although collaborative leaching can effectively shorten the process flow and reduce energy consumption and production costs, it is still in the laboratory research stage.

Agglomeration and leaching behaviors of copper oxides …

The chemical binder is one of the critical factors affecting ore agglomeration behavior and leaching efficiency. In this study, we investigated the effect of the type of binder and mass fraction of the H2SO4 solution used on the curing, soaking, and leaching behavior of agglomerations. The results revealed that Portland cement (3CaO·SiO2, …

Leaching nickel sulfide tailings with activated carbon in sulfuric acid

The leaching of nickel sulfide flotation tailings using activated carbon was investigated. • About 98 % nickel and copper was efficiently recovered using sulfuric acid augmented by the catalyst.

Extraction of copper from complex carbonaceous sulfide ore …

The effect of the pretreatment on copper sulfide dissolution was investigated using different types of leaching. Three sets of experimental tests were performed (flask, reactor and mini-column ...

16.6A: Microbial Ore Leaching

Key Terms. ore leaching: The process of recovering metals from ores by using a number of different techniques.; Microbial ore leaching (bioleaching) is the process of extracting metals from ores with the use of microorganisms. This method is used to recover many different precious metals like copper, lead, zinc, gold, silver, and nickel.

Efficient Synchronous Extraction of Nickel, Copper, …

Thus, the sulfation roasting‒water leaching process developing an efficient and eco-friendly pathway to simultaneous extraction of Ni, Cu, and Co valuable metals from low grade sulfide ores.

Producing Copper Nature's Way: Bioleaching

Further, through the use of biooxidation, it is now possible to leach many of the copper sulfide minerals present in the ore. While chalcopyrite remains refractory to ambient temperature bioleaching, other copper sulfide minerals - the secondary sulfide minerals - such as chalcocite, covellite, bornite, etc. - are leachable by today's technology.

Accelerating Copper Leaching from Sulfide Ores in Acid …

The pretreatment stage had favorable effects, in terms of accelerating copper dissolution and improving leaching of copper sulfide ore in acid-nitrate-chloride media. Waste salts from caliche industry and waste brine from reverse osmosis can be used for providing the nitrate and chloride media.

Copper sulfides leaching assisted by acidic seawater-based …

Highlights • Acidic seawater-based media (ASM) could be utilized as an alternative of industrial freshwater. • ASM improve leaching kinetics of copper sulfide via …

Efficient Synchronous Extraction of Nickel, Copper, and …

In general, the hydrometallurgical process of sulfide ore including the heap leaching 12, acid leaching 13, and ammonia leaching 14,15. However, there are many drawbacks in the treatment of ...