Leaching behavior of metals from copper anode slime using …
Semantic Scholar extracted view of "Leaching behavior of metals from copper anode slime using an alkali fusion-leaching process" by Dong Li et al.
Semantic Scholar extracted view of "Leaching behavior of metals from copper anode slime using an alkali fusion-leaching process" by Dong Li et al.
Percolation through earth dams and their foundations. 3. Flow into drains embedded in concrete and soil. 4. Flow around cut-off walls. 5. Foundation settlement (consolidation). Most of these problems involve a knowledge of the permeability of the materials involved.
A new alkaline pressure oxidative leaching process (with NaNO3 as the oxidant and NaOH as the alkaline reagent) is proposed herein to remove arsenic, antimony, and lead from bismuth-rich and arsenic-rich lead anode slime for bismuth, gold, and silver enrichment. The effects of the temperature, liquid-to-solid ratio, leaching time, …
The aim of the present study is to selectively extract antimony and arsenic from decopperization slime through alkaline sulfide hydrometallurgy with a view to recycle the obtained solid residue within the copper smelter, and also regenerate the sulfide lixiviant during the process. Rechtschaffner experimental design was used to evaluate the joint …
Arsenic in the soil can leach into groundwater and contaminate drinking water, posing a serious risk to human health. The stabilization of arsenic in contaminated soil is one of the immobilization technologies used to remediate contaminated lands. However, few studies have evaluated the long-term release of As and pH changes in …
A process was proposed for removing and stabilizing arsenic (As) from anode slime. The anode slime with high arsenic concentration was pretreated by c…
problems in contaminated run-off and percolation to groundwater. The nature of ... (ii) liberation of transition metals and arsenic from the breakdown of ore minerals; and (iii) release of cyanide from gold processing. ... water into groundwater from evaporation ponds and tailings dams, perhaps through the ...
The objective of the present study is to selectively extract arsenic and antimony impurities from a decopperization slime through an alkaline sulfide …
To achieve a safe treatment of arsenic-containing acid wastewater, a new process was proposed, including arsenic removal via sulfide precipitation and…
The basic theories relating to the consolidation of soil materials that have been deposited hydraulically and subjected to atmospheric drying, as well as the theories underlying the …
Investigation into the slimes dams mine dumps and landfills. Mining is a major activity in Gauteng and as a result the province has a large number of slime dams, mine dumps, and landfills in areas earmarked for lowcost housing projects The major components are gold, silver, tin, lead and antimony In this paper, an integrated process has been put forward …
The Coyote Percolation Dam Replacement Project will help protect the water supply, groundwater basins and wildlife in Coyote Creek once Valley Water finishes building the Anderson Dam tunnel in 2024. This tunnel …
There is a need to define mine tailings in a clear, precise, multidisciplinary, transdisciplinary, and holistic manner, considering not only geotechnical and hydraulic concepts but also integrating environmental and geochemical aspects with implications ...
The main objectives of this study are to determine the arsenic distribution and concentration and at the same time to assess the enrichment of arsenic using the …
Retreatment of Gold Residues ScienceDirect. Indam satellite stations may be required to reclaim any remaining slime in lowlying areas After screening to remove coarse trash (typically +2 mm), the slurry is The stability of'slimes dams in the gold mining industry— G ir Donaldson Samples of slimes and crust from a large number of dams were analysed …
This Guideline: Provides contemporary information specific to the management of slimes and the safe and environmental operation of slimes dams; …
The difficulty of assessing the impact of slimes dams in the gold and fluorspar mining industry, of coal dumps, and of slurry dams on water quality is discussed. The effect of …
Corpus ID: 126650159; Design of Dams for Percolation and Erosion @inproceedings{Leliavsky1965DesignOD, title={Design of Dams for Percolation and Erosion}, author={Serge d.
A process was proposed to convert and separate selenium and arsenic in copper anode slime (CAS) by low-temperature alkali fusion process. Central composite design was employed to optimize the effective parameters, in which NaOH/CAS mass ratio, fusion temperature and fusion time were selected as variables, and the conversion ratio …
Semantic Scholar extracted view of "A cleaning process for the removal and stabilisation of arsenic from arsenic-rich lead anode slime" by Yongming Chen et al.
Herein, we present a method to separate arsenic from lead slime and stabilize arsenic by forming scorodite. The results indicate that initial pH plays an …
Tin anode slime (TAS) is a high-value waste produced by electrolytic refining of crude tin. In order to reduce the discharge of harmful waste and realize rational recycling, a process of removing arsenic from TAS by vacuum distillation was proposed, and theoretical and experimental studies were carried out.
iron are translocated to the shoots in the species as compared to zinc, lead and arsenic. Conclusion: A. Saligna and A. Polyacantha showed evidence of accumulation of nickel, …
Both of these types of mine dumps have problems in contaminated run-off and percolation to groundwater. The. ... both at the abandoned slimes dam and at the active slimes dam. The extremely high levels of arsenic …
Restoring Lakes. The percolation tanks are mostly earthen dams with masonry structure only for spillway. The purpose of the percolation tanks is to recharge the ground water storage, and, hence, seepage below the seat of the bed is permissible.
Lining Of Mining Slimes Dams In Ireland Hedde Lining Of Mining Slimes Dams In Ireland Dec 15 2010 hazardous properties toxic chemicals used to extract the v
Decopperisation of slimes results in the loss of about one-third of the material (∼30 % Cu) to electrolyte, giving an apparent increase of most other elements. Arsenic …
During vacuum dynamic flash reduction, silver from the arsenic- and antimony-rich anode slime was left behind in the distilland as the silver alloy, and trivalent oxides of arsenic and antimony were evaporated in the distillate. The experimental results showed that the evaporation percent of the arsenic- and antimony-rich anode slime …
Eluate curves for the pH as a function of the L/S ratio in the column percolation test using different stabilizers within the contaminated soils.
The aim of the present study is to selectively extract antimony and arsenic from decopperization slime through alkaline sulfide hydrometallurgy with a view to recycle the obtained solid residue ...