Arsenopyrite | Sulfide, Iron, Copper | Britannica
Arsenopyrite is an iron sulfoarsenide mineral, commonly found in high-temperature ore veins and is the most common ore of arsenic.
Arsenopyrite is an iron sulfoarsenide mineral, commonly found in high-temperature ore veins and is the most common ore of arsenic.
Intensive research efforts have been pursued to remove arsenic (As) contamination from water with an intention to provide potable water to millions of people living in different countries. Recent studies have …
Microorganisms can also indirectly participate in the biogeochemical cycling of arsenic. Iron–sulfur-oxidizing microorganisms form acidic environments by oxidizing iron and sulfur elements in ores, resulting in the release of arsenic from ores, which are the main sources of arsenic pollution in mines (Wu et al., 2021). Microbial-mediated ...
The efficient removal and recovery of arsenic from copper smelting flue dust have received widespread attention due to its extremely high toxicity and carcinogenicity.
Request PDF | Study of the arsenic adsorption properties on modified manganese ore of iron ore | The management and restoration of Arsenic pollution, which is urgent to be solved currently, has ...
Therefore, it is a massive advantage of using iron sulfide to achieve arsenic removal from wastewater. Iron sulfide is a promising material for arsenic removal from water due to its physical and chemical stability, negligible toxicity, redox selectivity, easy preparation, and high affinity to arsenic. But so far, the application of iron sulfide ...
Extracting iron while minimizing the health and environmental risks associated with arsenic contamination necessitates the removal of arsenic from arsenic-bearing iron ores to ensure a safe and sustainable supply of this metal for industries.
The pretreatment technology of high refractory arsenic Au ore is an inevitable approach for gold recovery. The processing is related to arsenic wastes generation either in the form of solid residues or as effluent streams.
The affinity of arsenic (As) with iron (oxyhydr)oxides is known, at least, since 1835, when Robert Bunsen used iron hydroxides to revert As poisonings [1].Since then, technologies utilizing iron oxides and (oxyhydr)oxides for As removal and fixation are applied worldwide.
In most cases, arsenic is an unfavorable element in metallurgical processes. The mechanism of arsenic removal was investigated through roasting experiments performed on arsenopyrite-bearing iron ore. Thermodynamic calculation of arsenic recovery was carried out by FactSage 7.0 software (Thermfact/CRCT, Montreal, Canada; GTT …
Understanding the As(III) oxidative performance of MnO 2 polymorphs (α, β, and γ) and synthesis of an efficient nanocomposite of iron ore slime derived 2-line ferrihydrite and γ-MnO 2 for sequestration of total arsenic from aqueous solution
Limited quantities of arsenic metal have been recovered from gallium-arsenide semiconductor scrap. [23] Arsenic may also be obtained from copper, gold, and lead smelter flue dust as well as from roasting arsenopyrite, the most abundant ore mineral of arsenic. However, arsenic is not recovered from these sources
Substantial quantities of openly dumped slag contribute to the absence of recovery and utilization of valuable metals as well as potential environmental pollution to water and soil. Owing to the excessively high arsenic content present in iron extracted from copper smelting slag, we propose a new arsenic removal process in this paper. The …
Arsenic and arsenic compounds were considered by previous IARC Working Groups in 1979, 1987, and 2002 (IARC, 1980, 1987, 2004). ... antimony, cobalt, and iron. Arsenic is present in more than 200 mineral species, the most common of which is arsenopyrite. ... iron and steel mills and ferro-alloy manufacturing, oil and gas extraction, metal ore ...
A team of scientists has now shown for the first time that the concentration of gold directly depends on the content of arsenic in the pyrite. ... Similar to the natural ore system, the authors ...
There is a global need to develop low-cost technologies to remove arsenic from water for individual water supply. In this study, a purified and enriched waste material (treated magnetite waste, TMW) from the Trai Cau's iron ore mine in the Thai Nguyen Province in Vietnam was examined for i …
In most cases, arsenic is an unfavorable element in metallurgical processes. The mechanism of arsenic removal was investigated through roasting experiments performed on arsenopyrite-bearing iron ore.
In the environment, arsenic possibly interacts with iron, phosphorus, sulfur, and silicon and is considered vital. Involvement of iron in the arsenic biogeochemical cycle, with iron oxyhydroxides interact with root areas of wetland plants or soil particulate surfaces and serve as adsorbents for arsenic [].Under a reducing environment, adsorbed …
21.9.1 Nano Iron Oxide Minerals for Arsenic Adsorption. Iron oxide minerals such as goethite, hematite, limonite, ferrihydrite, and magnetite has been reported to be used as adsorbent for As removal (Table 21.1).
Sequential washing techniques using single or dual agents [sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and hydrochloric acid (HCl) solutions] were applied to arsenic-contaminated soils in an abandoned iron-ore mine area. We investigated the best remediation strategies to maximize arsenic removal efficiency for both soi …
In this study, sequential washing techniques using single or dual agents (NaOH and hydrochloric acid) were applied for arsenic-contaminated soils in an abandoned iron-ore mine area. Arsenic-containing iron-ore fines in this area can produce mobile colloids through coagulation and flocculation in natural waters contacting the soils …
This study aimed to utilize indigenous iron ore for the reduction of arsenic from contaminated water. In this regard, iron ore was chemically activated through hydrogen peroxide to enhance its adsorption potential.
Extracting iron while minimizing the health and environmental risks associated with arsenic contamination necessitates the removal of arsenic from arsenic-bearing iron ores to ensure a safe and ...
This arsenic-driven gold pump explains how these iron sulfides can massively capture and then release gold, so controlling ore deposit formation and distribution.
The experimental results revealed that the arsenic in arsenopyrite-bearing iron ore can be removed in the form of As2O3 (g) in an air or nitrogen atmosphere by a …
indigenous iron ore for the reduction of arsenic from contam- inated water.In this regard, iron ore was chemically activated through hydrogen peroxide to enhance its adsorption poten-
In most cases, the release of arsenic from sediment was caused by microbial reductive dissolution of arsenic-bearing iron(III) minerals with organic carbon …
Colocalization of arsenic, NOM, iron oxide, and sulfur A special emphasis is placed here on the analysis of the spatial distribution of secondary ions and the statistical treatment for the colocalization between elements.
The most common arsenic mineral is arsenopyrite, a compound of iron, arsenic, and sulfur. Several other, less-common minerals contain arsenic, including orpiment, realgar, and enargite, which are arsenic sulfides.
Comparative studies of PAN Fiber and iron ore adsorbents revealed that PAN fibers had better adsorption properties than iron ore for As+3 and As+5 in terms of percentage removal and capacity.