Mining Operations Action

Mining Operations Action

KPMG Mining Operational Excellence Framework

KPMG's Operational Excellence Framework helps mining / resource companies gain a strong position in markets, become industry leaders by EBITDA, retain a leading position …

Strategic mine planning

Mining strategy selection depends on the planned mining concept (open pit or underground) and deposits size as well as investors' capabilities, and how the mining …

Guide for the establishment of a mine action programme

The operations section is responsible for managing all mine action operations carried out within the mine action programme. The responsibilities of the operations section may include: liaison with organisations that require mine action support, at the operational level, particularly humanitarian and development organisations;

Mining Safety: A Comprehensive Guide | SafetyCulture

Explore essential safety procedures and best practices in mining operations and learn how fostering a culture of safety ensures compliance, efficiency, and sustainability in this highly controversial industry. ... enables workers to detect hazards early and begin preventive or emergency action.

The Daring Plan to Mine Haiphong Harbor

The mining action, along with the bombing campaigns of operations Linebacker I (May 10-Oct.23, 1972) and Linebacker II (Dec. 18-29, 1972), was a key reason that North Vietnam agreed to negotiate a peace deal in Paris. The mining continued until January 1973 as part of both the Pocket Money and Linebacker operations.


Peace operations are designed to create conditions for lasting peace and mine action has proven to be vital at all stages of the mission cycle. UNMAS helps to ensure that peace operations are fit for purpose to implement their complex mandates in situations where there is an explosive hazard threat.

Circular economy: the projects leading the way in mining …

As mining operations grow, so too does their waste production. We round up some of the innovative projects approaches to tackling mining waste.

Glossary of mine action terms, definitions and abbreviations

1. Scope. This Glossary provides a summary of key technical mine action terms, definitions and abbreviations used within IMAS and, where relevant, Technical Notes for Mine Action (TNMA) and Test and Evaluation Protocols (T&EP).

Mining management: The path to operational excellence

The first step to unlocking value through operational excellence is to embed a clear purpose and clearly defined systems to support cultural enablers, continuous improvement, and enterprise alignment. Mining companies can consider the following actions in five focus areas as a way to …

Mine planning: From strategy to operation to optimization

While mine planners need to design and implement plans that are safe and environmentally sustainable, the biggest factor in the success of a mining operation — …

Surge in Demand Leads to Uranium Mining Operations …

The resurgence of uranium mining near the Grand Canyon amid a climate-focused transition to nuclear power reveals a complex intersection of economic, environmental, and societal issues.


Number of International Mine Action Standards supporting effective, safe and efficient mine action. Another 24 Technical Notes for Mine Action and 8 Test and Evaluation Protocols make up the IMAS framework.


THE UNITED NATIONS IN MINE ACTION The United Nations Mine Action Strategy 2019-2023 is an accountability framework for the UN system. The Strategy reflects the collective engagement of the United Nations Inter-Agency Coordination Group on Mine Action (IACG-MA). Members contribute to the objectives of the

Mining and biodiversity: key issues and research …

Mining affects biodiversity at multiple spatial scales (site, landscape, regional and global) through direct (i.e. mineral extraction) and indirect processes (via industries supporting mining operations, and external …

What We Know About Deep-sea Mining

With the future of deep-sea mining still under debate, here's what we know so far about the proposed practice and its impacts — and what we don't: 1) What Is Deep-sea Mining and How Would It Be Done? Deep-sea mining aims to retrieve valuable mineral deposits found on the ocean's floor, hundreds or even thousands of meters …

5 Ways to Make Mining More Sustainable

Mining companies wanting to reduce their environmental impact can switch to more eco-friendly equipment. Battery-driven mining equipment is often powerful enough to replace diesel-driven options. Replacing diesel engines with electric engines where possible can significantly reduce the amount of CO 2 produced by mining operations.

Productivity in mining operations: Reversing the downward …

Mining-company management should encourage openness to trying new approaches and to adopting new technologies. At the same time, mining companies should use advanced analytics to harness the potential of the vast amounts of data generated in typical modern mining operations in order to boost productivity-improvement initiatives.

eCFR :: 36 CFR Part 9 Subpart A -- Mining and Mining Claims

(c) If the Regional Director finds that the submitted plan of operations complies with § 9.9, that enlargement of the existing excavation of an individual mining operation is necessary in order to make feasible continued production therefrom at an annual rate not to exceed the average annual production level of said operation for the three ...

6 Ways to Improve Water Conservation in Mining Operations

In most mining operations, operators extract water from groundwater, streams, rivers, lakes or through commercial water service suppliers. And to make …

Productivity in mining operations: Reversing the downward …

Worldwide mining operations are as much as 28 percent less productive today than a decade ago, according to new McKinsey research. The results from …

Environmental, Social, and Governance Best Practices Applied to Mining

To address its environmental impact, the Juruti Mine has put forward a biodiversity action plan that aims to make mining operations carbon-neutral by 2030 via offsetting the land used for mining each year by an equal acreage of rehabilitated land.

Common Types Of Mining Equipment | Empire

Are you looking to purchase or rent a piece of mining equipment for your next job? Learn more about the best mining equipment options for your worksite.

Quality management in mine action

Mine action operations shall be planned and controlled to a level necessary to satisfy requirements and to maintain confidence amongst interested parties in the safety and quality of mine action processes, services and products.

The social risks driving conflict with the mining industry

The biggest social risks to mining operations, and why ESG issues are one of the biggest threats that mining companies now face.

300+ Mine Operation Manager Mining Jobs, Employment …

322 Mine Operation Manager Mining jobs available on Apply to Manager, Safety Manager, Office Manager and more!

Mining Plan Template

A mining strategic plan outlines the operational, financial, and environmental objectives of a mine and sets forth a plan of action to achieve them. It also provides a framework to …

New report urges global action on mining pollution

The Germano mine collapse is one of a catalogue of similar incidents highlighted in a new Rapid Response Assessment calling for international action to make the storage of mine waste more secure. The report was published jointly by UN Environment and GRID-Arendal, a UN Environment collaborating centre.

'Complete turnaround': Philippines' Duterte lifts ban on new mining …

MANILA — President Rodrigo Duterte has issued an order to lift a nine-year moratorium on granting new mining permits in the Philippines. The order is expected to ease the entry of at least 291 ...

Climate risk and decarbonization: What every mining CEO …

How could decarbonization shift demand for key minerals? And how can mining companies decarbonize their own operations? We then lay out the operational, …

Together for mine action; a multilateral success story

A year later, in 1989, the Mine Action Programme for Afghanistan (MAPA) was formed and run by Mr. Ian Mansfield, as a large-scale institutional structure to coordinate all mine action operations in the country.