High Energy Method

High Energy Method

Microwave dielectric properties of Mg2TiO4 ceramics

Mg2TiO4 ceramics were prepared with MgO and TiO2 by high energy ball milling method. Highly reactive nanosized Mg2TiO4 powders were successfully synth…

An energy method for rapid evaluation of high-cycle …

Then, an energy method is proposed to rapidly evaluate high-cycle fatigue parameters. This energy method takes intrinsic dissipation as the fatigue damage indicator, and eliminates the interference of internal friction causing no damage on fatigue life evaluation. Therefore, it can achieve relatively high prediction accuracy.

A Reconstruction Method for Dual High-Energy CT With …

Dual-energy computed tomography (DECT) allows one to obtain both density and atomic number and thus can provide information about material composition of scanned objects. In this paper, we extend a basis material decomposition method for high energy X-ray DECT used in cargo inspection. It differs from conventional DECT reconstruction …

A novel dual high-energy X-ray imaging method for …

Dual high energy X-rays scanners discriminate the materials inside cargo containers. • Attenuation coefficient of materials changes slowly in High energy X-rays. • Material discrimination is complicated in large containers using high energy X-rays. • The new method discriminates the materials atomic number with a unit resolution.

Determination of Beam Quality of High Energy Photons …

Determination of Beam Quality of High Energy Photons in Non-Standard Reference ... by the linear fit method from present studies were also compared and analyzed with Palmans method for the photon ...

High‐Energy Ball Milling as a General Tool for Nanomaterials …

This chapter reports some fundamental thermodynamic and kinetic aspects of the high-energy ball milling (HEBM) technique. HEBM technology consists in …

Formulation of nanoemulsion: a comparison between phase …

According to some authors, only the methods using high energy like high-pressure microfluidizer or high-frequency ultra-sonic devices can produce actual nanoemulsions. …

A method for high-energy, low-dose mammography using …

This was achieved by matching the edge-illumination phase method, which reaches very high angular sensitivity also at high x-ray energies, to an appropriate image processing algorithm and to a virtually noise-free detection technology capable of reaching almost efficiency at the same energies.

High Energy Physics | Department of Energy

High Energy Physics (HEP) explores what the world is made of and how it works at the smallest and largest scales, seeking new discoveries from the tiniest particles to the outer reaches of space. This quest inspires young minds, trains an expert workforce, and drives innovation that improves the nation's health, wealth, and security.

The data-driven future of high-energy-density physics

This Perspective discusses how high-energy-density physics could tap the potential of AI-inspired algorithms for extracting relevant information and how data-driven automatic control routines may ...

Nanoemulsions: Techniques for the preparation and the

The methods used for nanoemulsion preparation can be broadly classified into high-energy and low-energy methods. The high-energy methods include high-pressure valve homogenization, high-pressure microfluidic homogenization, …

Lecture 8: Energy Methods in Elasticity

Lecture 8: Energy Methods in Elasticity The energy methods provide a powerful tool for deriving exact and approximate solutions to many structural problems. 8.1 The Concept of Potential Energy From high school physics you must recall two equations E= 1 2 Mv2 kinematic energy (8.1a) W= mgH potential energy (8.1b)

Module 10 Introduction to Energy Methods

Introduction to Energy Methods Readings: Reddy Ch 4, 5, 7 Learning Objectives Understand the energy formulation of the elasticity problem. Understand the principle of virtual work as the weak formulation of the elasticity problem. Apply energy and variational principles for the determination of de ections and in-

Studies on copper-yttria nanocomposites: high-energy ball …

Oxide dispersion-strengthened copper-base composites are widely used for applications demanding high tensile strength, high hardness along with good electrical and thermal conductivity. Oxides of metals like aluminium, cerium, yttrium and zirconium are often used for this purpose as fine and uniform …

Orange-red light emitting europium doped calcium …

Europium doped calcium molybdate (CaMoO4:Eu3+) were synthesized by a high-energy ball milling method. Crystal structure and morphology were confirmed by XRD pattern and FE-SEM images, respectively. The photoluminescence (PL) properties of Eu3+ in these phosphors were studied by analyzing the excitation and emission spectra for the effect …

Techniques for Formation of Nanoemulsions | SpringerLink

A combination of high-energy approaches (such as high-speed and high-pressure homogenization or high-pressure homogenization and ultrasonication) can aid in the formation of nanoemulsions with very small droplet diameters. A practical approach is to emulsify the...

Techniques for Formulation of Nanoemulsion Drug Delivery …

Nanoemulsion drug delivery systems are advanced modes for delivering and improving the bioavailability of hydrophobic drugs and the drug which have high first pass metabolism. The nanoemulsion can be prepared by both high energy and low energy methods. High energy method includes high-pressure homog …

Explicit high-order energy-preserving methods for general …

A novel class of explicit high-order energy-preserving methods are proposed for general Hamiltonian partial differential equations with non-canonical structure matrix.

The energy method for high-order invariants in shallow …

In this work, high-order invariants of these equations will be re-derived in view of the energy method, which may be possible to provide some insights for invariant-preserving numerical methods. Actually, the energy method originated from conservation laws in physics was first proposed in 1928 by Courant, Friedrichs and Lewy [6]. From …

Modeling compliant bistable mechanisms: An energy method …

This paper applies an energy method based on the high-order smooth curvature model to address the challenges of kinetostatically modeling the complicated nonlinear post-buckling behavior of inclined compliant beams.

Implementing High-Intensity Aerobic Energy System Conditioning …

This article details a number of methods to develop high intensity aerobic conditioning and describes the practical implementation and integration of these methods into the Preparation Period training for field sport athletes.

Nano-emulsions: Formation by low-energy methods

Nano-emulsions have been commonly prepared by high-energy methods using mechanical devices able to produce intense disruptive forces, namely, high-shear stirrers, high pressure homogenizers and ultrasound generators. Nano-emulsion formation by these methods is quite straightforward as the higher the energy input the smaller the …

Modelling of the High-Energy Ball Milling Process

on the energy transferred to the powder during high-energy ball milling [16]. The present work aims to propose a numerical approach using discrete ele- ment method to analyze the dynamic aspects ...

[2209.13088] A Localization Method of High Energy …

Fast and reliable localization of high-energy transients is crucial for characterizing the burst properties and guiding the follow-up observations. Localization based on the relative counts of different detectors has been widely used for all-sky gamma-ray monitors. There are two major methods for this counts distribution localization: …


High-energy methods, such as homogenization under pressure, can be prepared with the nanoemulsion droplet sizes up to 1 nm, and nanoemulsion with …

Sol-gel method preparation and high-rate energy storage of high …

This high-entropy carbide contains five active elements of Fe, Co, Cr, Mn and Ni. The prepared HEMC-3 has abundant pores and a specific surface area of 417.8 m 2 g −1. The large specific surface area makes the HEMCs have high-rate …

Nanomaterials: a review of synthesis methods, properties, …

High energy demands have led to more pressure to improve the performances of existing highly demanded lithium-ion batteries. Researchers have focused on improving their lifetimes, sizes, and safety. 462 Nanostructured metal-oxide-based materials are promising electrode materials for use in high-performance charge-storage devices.

Fabrication of ultrafine edible emulsions: Comparison of high-energy

The purpose of this study was to compare the effectiveness of a high-energy method (microfluidization) that is widely used in the food industry to produce ultrafine emulsions with a low-energy method (spontaneous emulsification) that has been shown to work for many non-food applications.


High energy methods include high pressure homogenization, microfluidization, sonication, method in jet disperser, high-amplitude ultrasonic method.

Lithiation Method for High-Energy, Long-Life Lithium …

Lithiation Method for High-Energy, Long-Life Lithium-Ion Battery (L3B) P.I.: Kandler Smith Presenter: Andrew Colclasure National Renewable Energy Laboratory 6/12/2019 DOE Vehicle Technologies Program 2019 Annual Merit Review and Peer Evaluation Meeting This presentation does not contain any proprietary, confidential, or otherwise restricted ...