(PDF) Effect of Slag Reactivity Influenced by Alumina …
This work investigates the role of alumina content in the slag and presence of limestone in composite cement on the hydration and compressive strength evolution of composite cement.
This work investigates the role of alumina content in the slag and presence of limestone in composite cement on the hydration and compressive strength evolution of composite cement.
This report focuses on an experiment conducted on viscosity agent mixed concrete for determining the pumpability of it using portland blast-furnance slag cement.
Three heats of industrial trials and thermodynamic calculations were performed to investigate the effect of slag basicity adjusting on inclusions in tire cord steels. It was found that the application of low basicity slag can effectively avoid the formation of Al 2 O 3 -rich inclusions, while a high basicity slag was beneficial to improve the ...
but the improvem ent effect of AEW co ncrete was relati vely reduced ... pumpability [17], the strength ... Cement-slag concrete has become one of the most widely used building materials ...
slag cement effect on set time of ncrete; Slag Cement Production. Hardened concrete containing slag cement may show mottled green or bluegreen areas a few days after placement, symptoms of a temporary condition known as "greening" SCIC #10, Greening, explains why the phenomenon happens, and explains that greening has no effect on the …
In alkali-activated slag/pumice (AASP) mortars, ground granulated blast-furnace slag (GGBFS) could be replaced partially with Volcanic pumice powder (VPP) as a natural pozzolan; however, its performance in alkali-activated slag/pumice (AASP) mortars against mineral acid environments are currently missing in the literature.
The cost of SF co ncrete ... and fine aggregate can be substituted partially with steel slag ... The present study will describe the characteristics and the effects of concrete properties when ...
The freeze–thaw splitting strength ratio and residual stability of steel slag AC-13C and SMA-13 asphalt mixtures exceed the specified requirements, with AC-13C …
The effects of constituents of fresh concrete, including cement, supplementary cementitious materials (fly ash, ground blast furnace slag, and silica fume), limestone powder, coarse and fine aggregates, and chemical admixtures (superplasticizer, viscosity modifying agent and air-entraining agent) on the rheological properties are …
Conceptual diagram illustrating the effects of slag and biochar amendments on the formation and stability of soil aggregates (1) and on the soil organic-carbon fraction and microorganisms (2) during a flooding period …
Furthermore, because the shape and texture of its particles are similar to that of Portland cement, ground granulated blast furnace slag may marginally increase the pumpability of concrete. Concrete segregation is more possible if a considerable percentage of ground granulated blast furnace slag is included in a combination …
The models and methods used for characterizing the concrete pumpability and lubrication layer are described. ... decreases with the addition of ultra-fine slag, fly ash ... "Effect of ...
The lighter color of concrete containing Heidelberg Materials Slag Cement leads to improved solar reflectivity designed to lower the urban heat island effect. Key benefits/features • Improved uniformity, consolidation and finishing • Reduced bleeding • Improved pumpability • Increased strength • Reduced permeability • Enhanced ...
1st International RILEM Conference on Rheology and Processing of Construction Materials, Paris, 2 –4 September, 2013 Experimental Study on Pumpability of Concrete using Sliding Pipe Rheometer ...
The results indicate that the slag content and the water to binder ratio are the dominant factors affecting chloride penetration and corrosion initiation time of steel bars in AAFS concretes due to their greater contributions to reduce the porosity, while the aggregate volume fraction presents a limited effect compared with other factors.
The concrete mix with an addition of appropriate chemical admixtures often improves its plastic properties such as workability, pumpability, cohesion and adhesion.
Factors that Impact Pumpability. A wide array of factors can impact concrete pumpability, Bui notes, such as the dimension, shape, gradation, and volume of aggregates. Supplementary materials like fly …
Many factors influence the chemical composition in electroslag remelting (ESR) steel, including atmosphere in crucible, melting rate, slag composition, deoxidation, and so on. Fluoride-based slag, which is exposed to liquid metal directly, influences the chemical composition of ESR ingots to a large extent. The present paper focuses on the …
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The chemically activated steel slag powder could improve compressive strengths, resistance to chloride permeation and water permeation, as well as …
Absorption characteristics of air-cooled blast-furnace slag under pressure varied depending on its porosity and pore size distribution. Field studies were conducted on the pumpability of blast-furnace slag aggregate concretes.
2/7/2022 6 Aggregate Grading The aggregate gradation and content can impact several properties of a concrete mix: Finishability, workability, pumpability, strength, permeability, and
Inthis research observed the properties of substitute of steel slag on slurry infiltrated fibrous concrete. Six series of test specimens were prepared using hook ended steel fibre with 0,2,3 and 4 ...
Optimizing Concrete Pavement Mixes with Slag Cement. Feb 08, 2015 Effects of Slag Cement on Concrete Properties Plastic Properties Setting Time Heat of Hydration Color Strength Effects on Setting Time 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Initial Set,hr 50F (10C) 73F (23C) 92F (33C) WCPA Annual Concrete Pavement Workshop Bruce Figure 2 Effect of Various …
Semantic Scholar extracted view of "Effects of modifying agent on rheology and workability of alkali-activated slag paste for 3D extrusion forming" by Xue-sen Lv et al.
In this paper, the influence of steel slag on the compressive strength, drying shrinkage, permeability to chloride, and carbonation resistance of concrete was investigated under two different conditions: constant W/B and constant 28 days' …
Using Slag to Enhance Concrete Performance. BY ANNE BALOGH. Added in the right proportions, groundgranulated blast-furnace slag can improve many properties of both …
The concrete mixtures were proportioned for a 28-day compressive strength of 60 to 120 MPa; the ground granulated blast furnace slag was obtained by pulverizing and classifying ordinary ground slag of 453 m¦/kg of surface area by air permeability. Three degrees of fineness, namely, 453, 786, and 1160 m¦/kg, were used to replace portland …
An experimental analysis was conducted to study the effects of using copper slag as a fine aggregate (FA) and the effect of fly ash as partial replacement of cement on the properties high strength ...