Ning Taxation Regime Timor Leste

Ning Taxation Regime Timor Leste


Tax Regime and Procedures, applicable in Timor-Leste, under the terms of UNTAET Regulation No. 1999/1; "Law on Income Tax" is deemed to be the Law on Income Tax, applicable in Timor-Leste,

Timor-Leste (formerly East Timor) Tax and …

From a taxation point of view, Timor-Leste fell under the umbrella of Indonesia's tax regime from 1975. On 27 November 1999, UNTAET issued Regulation 1999/1.

Timor-Leste Upstream Fiscal and Regulatory Report

Timor-Leste's upstream fiscal regime has been relatively stable since the introduction of the 2005 model contract. Under PSAs, royalties are payable at a rate of 5% on gross production and after cost recovery, the remaining profit oil is shared between the licensee and the state. Licensees' income is subject to corporate income tax at a rate of …

Taxation Documents – Autoridade Tributária Timor-Leste

Taxation Documents. Tax Law and Public Rulings. Taxes and Duties Act 2008 is the key law specifying Timor-Leste's taxes and duties, and other aspects of the tax system.


Timor-Leste Tax and Investment Guide 2014 5 coup in an attempt to prevent the ascendancy of Fretilin while on 28 November 1975 Fretilin unilaterally declared Timor-Leste an independent republic.

Sunrise LNG Chapter 4. In Timor-Leste or For Timor-Leste

Timor-Leste's tax regime imposes a "withholding tax" on the purchase of "construction services" from residents at the low rates of 2-4%, and mandates the withholding of income tax at 20% for non-residents.

Chapter 4. In Timor-Leste or For Timor-Leste

Timor-Leste's tax regime imposes a "withholding tax" on the purchase of "construction services" from residents at the low rates of 2-4%, and mandates the withholding of …


How the tax regime in East Timor helps you to achieve success A comparative analysis. Read More. ... Paulo Remedies Menezes 11/6/20 Paulo Remedies Menezes 11/6/20. Are you a tax resident in Timor-Leste? Read More. Connect with us. Contact. Suite 343, Level 3, Timor Plaza, Dili Central. [email protected] +670 331 …

Timor-Leste goes to court to protect tax revenue

In accordance with the Treaty, Timor-Leste may apply its tax regime to 90% of the petroleum activities; Australia may apply its own tax regime to 10% of those activities. The present Law establishes the tax regime for the development of the Bayu-Undan field.


Timor-Leste's has a very competitive tax regime, with corporate tax, customs duties and indirect tax rates that are lower than in comparable countries in the

Income Tax – Autoridade Tributária Timor-Leste

Withholding Tax on various types of income like royalties, rent and income from prizes. How Income Tax is Paid. Income tax installments either monthly or quarterly, and; Annual Income Tax Return completed each year by businesses and people who operate businesses. All Businesses are Required to: Register to operate in Timor-Leste.

Deloitte | tax@hand

Taxation in Timor-Leste. Certain taxpayers will be liable for taxation under more than one tax regime in Timor-Leste. This will usually be the case where their …

Presentation on the Progress of Fiscal Reform in Timor-Leste by the Tax

The Tax Authority and its team will continue to work hard to improve the customer services to all its clients (taxpayers) to promote the principle of self-compliance within the ambit of self-assessment regime adopted under Timor-Leste ' s tax administration system, while taking into consideration the ongoing global tax reform.

Autoridade Tributária Timor-Leste – ATTL

Autoridade Tributária estende prazu submisaun Deklarasaun Rendimentu Anual to'o loron 3 abril 2024. Klik iha link tuir mai hodi hare informasaun ho kompletu Click iha ne'e

Timor-Leste Laws | Tobacco Control Laws

COMMENTS: Decree-Law No. 14/2016 of June 8 on the Tobacco Control Regime is the primary law governing tobacco control in Timor-Leste. It establishes smoke free places; restrictions on tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship; and basic requirements related to packaging and labeling.


Timor-Leste has a tax treaty with Portugal only. 3. Legal Regime Transparency of the Regulatory System. ... The new regime applies to all arbitration proceedings based in Timor-Leste, whether domestic or international, as well as the confirmation and enforcement of arbitral awards rendered in another country, without prejudice to the …

Taxation in Timor-Leste

TAXATION IN TIMOR LESTE An Overview of Tax Administration Presented by Angelo de Almeida, Commissioner of Revenue, Timor Leste Revenue Service.

Addressing Timor-Leste's public health issue by establishing …

Photo: WHO Timor-Leste/Emilia MonizIn Timor-Leste, one pack of 20 cigarettes costs anywhere between $2 - $3.50. The price has increased been increasing gradually since 2022 due to the World Health Organization's push for pro-health taxes and interventions by the Ministry of Health and Ministry of Finance.

Settling the maritime boundaries between Timor-Leste and …

1. INTRODUCTION. On 6 March 2018, at the United Nations Headquarters in New York, the representatives of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste (Timor-Leste) and the Commonwealth of Australia signed the Treaty between the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste and Australia Establishing their Maritime Boundaries in the Timor Sea …

Wage Income Tax in East Timor

Wage Income Tax is imposed on the taxaxble wage in respect of employment in Timor-Leste. Public Ruling 2001/3 specifically defines employment as the provision of personal services below in Timor-Leste.

Deloitte | tax@hand

Taxpayers operating in the JPDA therefore need to ensure compliance with the tax rules in both Timor-Leste and Australia. Taxation in Timor-Leste. Certain taxpayers will be liable for taxation under more than one tax regime in Timor-Leste. This will usually be the case where their activities fall within the petroleum and non-petroleum …


Taxation Services. We take the stress out of tax compliance by providing tax solutions you can rely on. Our team delivers a high level of expertise and experience to ensure your tax is monitored, managed and opportunities are maximised. Services Tax . Wage Income Tax (WIT) Annaul Income Tax. Withholding Tax. Society Security . Tax Planning ...

Presentation on the Progress of Fiscal Reform in Timor-Leste …

One of the central pillars of the Fiscal Reform is to improve the infrastructure of the Timor-Leste Tax Authority (TL-TA) through the employment of advanced information system …


Government of Timor-Leste currently has two legally binding rules: (i) Estimated Sustainable Income (ESI), which is an element of Revenue Rules (ERs); and (ii) loan …


Specific provisions for the taxation of petroleum operations include: A CIT rate for contractors of 30% on taxable income, while sub-contractors will generally be taxed on a …


agreed upon the tax regime. The law fosters petroleum development in the Joint Petroleum Development Area, as it assures investors that their tax obligations towards Timor-Leste shall remain unchanged, during the lifetime of long-term projects. Furthermore, the law allows Timor-Leste to forecast revenue derived from these petroleum projects.

EY BrochuraTimorLeste low

Timor-Leste's has a very competitive tax regime, with corporate tax, customs duties and indirect tax rates that are lower than in comparable countries in the

Timor-Leste goes to court to protect tax revenue

The purpose of the audits is to ensure that the People of Timor-Leste have received their fair share of tax revenue from oil and gas profits in Timor-Leste and that the contractors are diligent in following the applicable laws of Timor-Leste.


20% to 27%. The lower the tax rate (%), the lower the in-come for the Government, especially after deducting all the costs of introducing a new tax system. The higher the tax rate, the higher prices for consumers will be. Currently Timor-Leste applies a sales tax, which only applies to goods – but not services. That tax rate is 2.5%.

Timor-Leste's Tax Obligations for Crypto

In Timor-Leste, the taxation of crypto assets is primarily treated under the capital gains tax regime. This treatment aligns with global practices where cryptocurrencies are often considered property for tax purposes.