Senakin Mine South Kalimantan

Senakin Mine South Kalimantan

Major Mines & Projects | Senakin Mine

The Senakin mine, South Kalimantan, operated by PT Arutmin Indonesia mines Eocene age coal. This economically important coal occurs near the base of the T2 member of the Tanjung Formation The laterally continuous basal coal unit is up to 9 m thick, but is more typically 4 to 6 m.

Thiess to deliver $150m Senakin contract extension

Thiess has secured a $150 million contract extension to provide mine services at Arutmin's Senakin coal mine in South Kalimantan, Indonesia.

Operation | Arutmin

A. Senakin Mining Site B. Satui Mining Site C. Batulicin Mining Site D. Asamasam Mining Site E. Kintap Mining Site F. North Pulau Laut Coal Terminal (NPLCT) ... s mining operation area consists of five active sites and one coal terminal that is spread across three districts in South Kalimantan; Tanah Laut, Tanah Bumbu, and Kotabaru. ...

CIMIC's Thiess to deliver $150m Senakin contract extension

CIMIC Group's global mining services provider Thiess, has secured a $150 million contract extension to provide mine services at Arutmin's Senakin coal mine in South Kalimantan, Indonesia.

Business Info | Arutmin

A. Senakin Mining Site B. Satui Mining Site C. Batulicin Mining Site D. Asamasam Mining Site ... Arutmin's mining operation area consists of five active sites and one coal terminal that is spread across three districts in South Kalimantan; Tanah …

Mochamad Rafiq

Senakin Coal Mine – South Kalimantan -Thiess BSF - Balikpapan (East Kalimantan) Kursus Establishing the Maintenance Strategy ENMM20011 Introduction to Maintenance Engineering ENMM20010 Maintenance Organisation ENMM20012 Maintenance Systems and Documentation ...


ARUTMIN INDONESIA SENAKIN MINE IN SOUTH . KALIMANTAN . Arfa Agustina Rezekiah 1*, Abdi Fithria 2, Selimi Guspianur 3, ... Arutmin Indonesia Senakain Mine, South Kalimantan Province .

Tingkat Kecukupan Gizi Karyawan dan Penyelenggaraan …

The objective of this study was to determine the nutritional adequacy of workers and food service management of Pangansari Utama Catering at Senakin Mine, South Kalimantan. The study was conducted from April-May 2011 using cross sectional study design. The food service management consists of input, proses, and output.


Arutmin is a major Indonesian coal mining company managing five mines an international coal export terminal in South Kalimantan. In 2009 it produced 22.42 …

Arutmin Senakin coal mine Report | Wood Mackenzie

Arutmin Senakin is a small scale thermal coal export mine, located on the north coast of South Kalimantan. Arutmin comprises five separate operations - Mulia, Satui, Senakin, Sarongga and Batulicin. The concession operated under a first generation Coal Cooperation Agreement (CCA), which was awarded on the 2 November 1981.

Major Mines & Projects | Senakin Mine

The Senakin mine, South Kalimantan, operated by PT Arutmin Indonesia mines Eocene age coal. This economically important coal occurs near the base of the T2 member of …

(PDF) Geochemistry and petrology of selected coal

The Senakin mine, South Kalimantan, operated by PT Arutmin. Indonesia, mines Eocene age coal. This economically important coal. 262 H.E. Belkin et al. / International Journal of Coal Geology 77 ...

Sebuku Coal Mine, Kalimantan Indonesia

The Sebuku coal mine is an open cut truck and shovel coal-mining operation located on the tiny and remote island of Sebuku, in the province of South Kalimantan, Indonesia. It is owned and operated by the Straits Resources Singapore-listed …

CIMIC's Thiess to deliver $150m Senakin contract extension

CIMIC Group's global mining services provider Thiess, has secured a $150 million contract extension to provide mine services at Arutmin's Senakin coal mine in …

Raja Taufan Andrew Syah Reza

- Working in bituminous coal area with high stripping ratio at Senakin Mine ... South Kalimantan, Indonesia. Connect Lutfi Qolbirokhim, ST., MM. Site Manager / Technical Mine Manager (KTT) di ...

Microfacies and Depositional Environment of Senakin Coal

The Tanjung Formation in South Borneo Province, Indonesia, is well-known as an extensive Eocene coal-bearing formation and is economically significant. Coal samples were collected from an open pit mine in Senakin area to study its characteristics. A combination of...

Senakin Coal Mine

The Senakin coal mine comprises bituminous coal in a deposit in South Kalimatn, Indonesia. In November 2001 Bumi Resources acquired 80% of PT Arutmin …

senakin mine south kalimantan

Thiess Indonesia secured the long term operational contract for the Senakin Coal Mine in South Kalimantan in with mine owners PT Arutmin Get Price And Support Online coal mining south kalimantan asianglobushospitalbreaking news coal mining south kalimantan indonesia news facts about stone crushers in United States Hot Products …

Syn-sedimentary mafic volcanics in the eocene coal-bearing …

Syn-sedimentary mafic volcanics in the eocene coal-bearing tanjung formation, Senakin Peninsula, South Kalimantan (Borneo), Indonesia ... China University of Mining and Technology for its support during the writing of this paper. The authors wish to thank the two anonymous reviewers who helped to greatly improve the manuscript.

About | Arutmin

Mine infrastructure development and trial-mine at Senakin Site and Satui Site. 1990 The commencement of commercial coal production at the Senakin and Satui Site.


Arutmin Indonesia Senakain Mine, South Kalimantan Province ... Communities around PT Arutmin Indonesia Senakin Mine mostly livelihood from farming, one of which is growing gaharu trees. ...

Geochemistry and petrology of selected coal samples

The Senakin mine, South Kalimantan, operated by PT Arutmin Indonesia, mines Eocene age coal. This economically important coal occurs near the base of the T2 member of the Tanjung Formation. The laterally continuous basal coal unit is up to 9-m thick, but is more typically 4 to 6 m ( Friederich et al., 1999 ).

Thiess wins Indonesian contract extension

Mining contractor Thiess Indonesia has been awarded a US$1.52 billion contract extension by PT Arutmin Indonesia, a subsidiary of Bumi resources, for the operation of the Senakin and Satui coal mines in South Kalimantan, Indonesia.

Thiess in dispute over Indonesian contracts

LEIGHTON Holdings has confirmed a dispute between its subsidiary Thiess and PT Arutmin Indonesia, owner of the Senakin and Satui mines in South Kalimantan.

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North Pulau Laut Coal Terminal

The North Pulau Laut Coal Terminal is a deepwater export terminal owned and operated by Arutmin for loading coal produced at its South Kalimantan mines, …

Arutmin partially resumes production in Senakin mine

Arutmin partially resumes production in Senakin mine Monday, August 12 2002 - 02:46AM WIB South Kalimantan based coal-mining firm PT Arutmin Indonesia had partially resumed production at Senakin mine as ...


Arutmin Indonesia Senakain Mine, South Kalimantan Province 11 Gaharu Farmers of Hulu Sungai Selatan Regency, South Kalimantan Province e-mail: [email protected] ... Communities around PT Arutmin Indonesia Senakin Mine mostly livelihood from farming, one of which is growing gaharu trees. Gaharu plants are commodities that are

Operation | Arutmin

Tambang Senakin merupakan daerah produksi batubara yang paling awal dioperasikan oleh Arutmin. Perjalanan ke Tambang Senakin dari Banjarmasin (350 km) dapat …

Leighton scores big Indonesia coal contract

The new work includes life of mine contracts at the Senakin and Satui mines in South Kalimantan as well as KPC in East Kalimantan. Thiess has also agreed to loan $58 million to Bumi Resources for the expansion of …